Report from today Press Conference

Today the Alpe Adria press conference was held at the of the Prosecco DOC Consortium’s Headquarters in Treviso. A good participation of stakeholders and journalists was at hand. “We enthusiastically support this sporting event that takes place in the heart of the ‘Prosecco DOC area in the territory between the provinces of Treviso, Belluno and Pordenone, from Conegliano to Cansiglio”, quoted Stefano Zanette president of the Prosecco’s Consortium, then continued: “the international flavor of this event will, I’m sure, overcome the racial, political and geographical limitations that occur at times between different nations”. To date, athletes from 29 countries are registered, from Russia to Ukraine,from North Korea to every other corner of the five continents. The presence of so many nationalities, assure the Alpe Adria Orienteering Cup not only to be a great venue for sport Orienteering but also, to become a vehicle to better acquaint participants with the rich historical, artistic, cultural resources that our area has to offer. In addition to President Mr. Zanette, the conference was also attended by the FISO’s president Mr. Gazzerro, the commissioner of the province of Treviso Mr. Speranzon, the Mayor of Conegliano Mr. Zambon, the councilman of the town of Tarzo Mr. De Polo the director of the Prealpi Bank Mr. Santinon and the chairman of the organizing committee Mr. Mauro Tona. Representatives for the mayors of Farra d’Alpago and Tambre were also present. treviso-cs2 treviso-cs1

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